The Last of Us is a game that is truly a work of art. It combines scenes of beauty and brutality all while exploring the nature of humanity. With <i> The Last of Us: Part II </i> just recently announced, I thought that it was fitting to build a tribute to the masterpiece of the original.
This build was a long time in coming. It’s certainly the largest creation that I have worked on to date, measuring over 3.5 by 2 feet. I had a lot of fun experimenting with various techniques to recreate the atmosphere present in the game, and I think that they turned out well. It also features my most significant foray into 3D-printing, with one of the building facades being composed almost entirely of bricks that were made in my own basement.
I went to the extra effort of including interiors for all of the buildings, as I wanted the build to be view able from every angle. In the end, the whole build turned out better than I had hoped and I'm quite happy with how the pictures turned out as well.
I'll be posting a build log in the next couple of weeks to chart the progress of the build for anyone who is curious. Until then, stay tuned!